

Wir betreiben seit mehr als 10 Jahren Forschung im Bereich Gebärdensprachdolmetschen und publizieren die Ergebnisse auch in Journalen, Büchern und Konferenzbänden.

Hier finden Sie die verschiedenen Forschungsergebnisse, wie sie publiziert wurden.


Rosenkranz, C. (2023) "I just have to adapt...". How Deaf Professionals manage the interpreting process - MA Thesis at Heriot-Watt University for the European Program of Sign Language Interpreting (EUMASLI 4, 90 ECTS)

↓ Abstracts in Videoform siehe unten (ÖGS und IS)

Brueck, P., Schaumberger, E. (2019) “Designated Interpreting in an Austrian Pharmacy: The Views of the Parties Concerned”. In: European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters. “You are (f/h)ired!” Interpreting in Employment Settings: Proceedings of the 26th efsli Conference, efsli: 17-23.

Brueck, P., Meinike, B., Rode, J. (2018) “Diagnosing Healthcare Assignments: Medical Interpreting for Deaf People in Europe”. In: Pratt, Sandra, Whistance, Thaisa, Salami, Marinella (eds). “What’s up Doc? Interpreting in the Medical, Mental and allied Health Care Settings: Proceedings of the 25th efsli Conference, efsli: 56-72.

Brück, P., Schaumberger, E. (2014) “Deaf interpreters in Europe: A glimpse into the cradle of an emerging profession”, in: The Interpreters’ Newsletter: Sign Language Interpreting, n. 19/2014, Edizioni del’ Università di Trieste: Trieste: 87-109.

Brueck, P. et al., (2014) “Diagnosing Healthcare Assignments: A Year of Medical Interpreting for Deaf People in Austria and Germany” in Nicodemus, B. and Metzger, M. (eds) Investigations in Health Care Interpreting, Gallaudet University Press: Washington: 128-173.

De Wit, M., Schaumberger, E., Salami, M. (2013) “A European Perspective on Mentoring”. In: Winston, Betsy & Lee, Robert (2013) Mentorship in Sign Language Interpreting, RID Press: 25-48.

Brueck, Patricia (2013) “Power and Responsibility in interpreting situations: The views of Austrian Deaf customers”. In: van den Bogaerde, Beppie, Hollman, Liivi, Salami, Marinella (eds). Be aware! Power and responsibility in the field of sign language interpreting: Proceedings of the 20th efsli Conference, efsli: 10-24.

Brueck, Patricia (2011) Austrian Perspectives of Team Interpreting: The Views of Deaf University Students and their Sign Language Interpreters,  unpublished MA-Thesis at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg - Stendal for the Degree Programme in Sign Language Interpreting (EUMASLI, 90 ECTS)

Abstracts of MA-Thesis Rosenkranz "I just have to adapt..."